On January 20th, the members of the Almighty Alpha Chapter embarked on a 2 day trip to Washington DC to view the inauguration of President Barack Obama’s second term. Efforts would have not been made possible without New York City College of Technology’s Student Life and Development and Student Government Association and the many chapperones and faculty members.

Our team consisted of students from all the different schools that make up NYCCT. When we arrived in D.C. we were all like little kids staring at all the wonders we saw there. ?We were in awe at the memorials, buildings and historical sites we had the privilege to visit. At the end of the day, we regrouped to Golden Corral to fellowship over good food and to reflect on what we had learned that day. Each day we learned so much and were inspired by the stories of historical leaders as well as people we had the opportunity to meet. We all are stronger, deeper and more rounded individuals for having had this experience. From the Washington Monument to the Vietnam War memorial, every site was soemthing new to us, made us more patriotic as we now understand those that made this country that we call our own, the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

We would like to thank Alice Tucker for coordinating and inviting the brothers of Phi Sigma Chi to take part in your educational ventures. To you we express our sincerest form of gratitude.