On Tuesday, May 1, 2011, Phi Sigma Chi Fraternity and many other GLOs from different parts of the city united at Brooklyn College Campus’ Student Center to support and compete in Alpha Sigma Sorority’s own Battle of the Sexes Competition.

The proceeds were donated to GHMC’s Aids Walk of New York, which is a not-for-profit, volunteer-supported, and community-based organization committed to national leadership in the fight against AIDS. GMHC provides prevention and care services to more than 15,000 men, women, and families that are living with, or affected by, HIV/AIDS in New York City, and advocates for scientific, evidence-based public health solutions for hundreds of thousands worldwide. Visit gmhc.org to learn more.

Whether it was the Dancing Contest…

Sylvester “Sly” Dombrowski of Phi Sigma Chi Fraternty “Getting Down”

or the Coin Roll Game,

Lovely Ladies of Kappa Phi Alpha Sorority “Thinking of a Master Plan”

It was extremely refreshing to see friendly competition at its best.

The final result was pretty clear, that the male population dominated the competition… But the lovely sisters were definitely a formidable match-up. A wise man did once say “Behind every strong Fraternity, is a stronger Sorority”


To check out entire event album [button color=”green” size=”medium” link=”https://phisigmachi.com/alpha/portfolio/alpha-sigmas-battle-sexes/” ]Click Here![/button]

Shoutouts goes to:
Kappa Phi Alpha Sorority
Sigma Iota Delta Sorority
Gamma Beta Delta Sorority
Alpha Epsilon Phi Sorority
Kappa Phi Chi Fraternity
Sigma Lambda Beta Fraternity
Alpha Xi Delta Sorority
Kappa Sigma Fraternity
Alpha Phi Delta Fraternity
Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity
Alpha Phi Omega Fraternity

Special Shout-Out goes to Alpha Sigma Sorority for planning and executing yet another successful philanthropy/social event. Keep up the fantastic job ladies.